Saturday, August 28, 2010

Weight Loss Challenge

So I am in a weight loss challenge with my friends and it is now day 3 of my diet.

Challenge terms:
First person to drop 2 pants sizes gets $5 from all of the participants

Mothers Challenge:
She will pay for weekly visits to Weight Watchers until I falter

Brothers Challenge:
Get down to 140lbs get $100

My Challenge:
Get down to 110-125lbs
To walk at least 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week
To pack food for the day instead of getting fast food at night
To keep up with this blog

I have yet to step on a scale so I do not know how much I weight at this time but I will find out on Thursday at the weight watchers meeting.

Anyway so far I have been dieting and packing all of my food in advance and eating it through out the day. I also walked 5 miles yesterday around my neighborhood, which is a great start. Hopefully I can keep that up and make my walks even longer!

Walking Goal (so far):
To be able to walk to Justin's house without being tired, and possibly be able to walk home later.

Anyway I will try to keep up with the updates and lets hope that this works!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So I have no said anything in a is good...and yeah thats about it

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just a rant to let out some dont have to read

So I figured...I am in an odd mood right now so I guess I should write about it and try to get it out there. I apologize if this makes no seance this is just me rambling on.

Ok so first of all. I feel like I am in a depression at times. All I do is sit at home and do nothing. This all started with ___ stopping talking to me. I find myself telling myself that she will get over it and come back. My other friend even tells me the same thing but I cant help but feel this way, and it sucks.

Then there is the fact that I like him...I like him a lot but he lives so far away and it just sucks.

I just want to live a normal life...I want to be happy...the only times I truly feel happy is online and with work people but once that is over all I want to do it sleep or draw myself into a fictional world of Doctor Who.

Part of me does not even want to make my video today because I am in such a shitty mood but I must cuz it might be the only fun thing that comes out of today.

So yeah life sucks big deal...I feel like a little emo teen right now. I'm more mature than this.


My brain is telling me not to post this because I don't want sympathy but I know I will.

Guess I'm going to go sit here and do nothing again.

O well...this was fun.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Skype People

~You are one of my best friends and I love talking to you all the time. I am honored that you enjoy talking to me even though I know you hate the phone. And nothing you say is awkward I totally joke about that.

~I am so glad that Adam introduced us. You two are great and I love playing random games of draw my thing with you!

~I really wish that we talked more because you are awesome! We should skype more often.

~I am really upset that you don’t want to be friends anymore and I don’t know what I am going to do with out you. You are my sister and I love you.

~You are always there for me and I love you! I can not wait until March so we can party it up!

~I am sad because we have lost touch. We used to be so close but ever since the project ended we don’t chat as much.

~You are my Oz buddy and you rock!!!! I am so happy Adam introduced us

~ would never tell you this in person but I am totally crushing on you and it sucks cuz you live so far away.

~I love your accent but most of all I love you even if u are a fode-bode.

~You are pretty awesome I wish I could find a way to do what you do. You are deff and inspiration for me.

~I loved hanging with you IRL we need to do it again soon!!

~I love you soo much!!! I have a gift for you still I just need to find time to send it!

~I really liked you a ton over the summer…then we stopped talking…what happened?

~You are one of my best friends and I love you! I feel like I can tell you anything and I pretty much do! Thanks for always being there.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Accident

I was on the parkway and i looked down to lower the volume on my radio and i skid against the divider then i turned to get away from it and lost control went over the other lane (thankfully missing any cars) and went into the woods.
At that point i was not in control all i was thinking was omg i am going to die. Somehow I avoided what the cop said were some of the most fatal trees on the parkway (only hitting them on the sides and such).
i ended up hitting one last tree blacking out for a second when it happened and next thing i knew i was in the car with the airbags blown. so i forced my way out and the guy who was behind me on the road came over to see if i was ok and he called 911 for me.
the car was so demolished the cops and the others were in shock that i was alright let alone alive.
All I got to say is God or someone was defiantly protecting me.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can't Belive I am actually posting this...o well


1) Enjoy dreaming so much that if I could I would spend a whole day sleeping (I think that’s because I like my dream world better then my real one).

2) Wish that I had the drive again to loose a ton of weight like I did for South Pacific.

3) Would do anything to meet up with the Stickfam.

4) Hate that I don’t have time to do the plays (especially the musical) at school because I have so many jobs.

5) Get sucked into movies and books and feel like I am the characters. Then I get disappointed when it is over because that means I have to come back to reality.

6) Am terrible at keeping in contact with people even when I miss them terribly.

7) Have low self confidence but I try not to show it.

8) Dream to get onto Broadway some day (though I doubt I will).

9) Am shy around people I don’t know and people I like.

10) Find myself always trying to please those around me instead of myself.

11) Get jealous of the people around me…often.

12a) Sometimes just want to start a new but I don’t know how to start.

12b) Don’t know why this turned into a depressing rant.

13) Miss the summer of 2008.

14) Feel truly happy when I am acting and I miss that.

15) Have become somewhat of a shopaholic.

16) Don’t truly HATE anyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I figured I have had this thing too long and I need to start writing in it so here it goes...

Today was a really great day I got to school early this morning so I did my homework for my classes that I had not done yet. Then when I got to sight singing my teacher gave us an assignment for next week and then ended class so I had an hour to do what ever. I ended up being my nerdy self and just going to my car to read. Until theory.

After theory 3 of my friends and I ended up going to the mall for lunch and to pick up a new lip ring for my friend who had lost hers sometime during the day.

The 4 of us proceeded to masterclass and joked around even more :-P.

When I got home my phone rang. It was borders calling telling me that I got the job! WOO HOO!

Then I saw a box sitting on the hat!! "Gotta Catch 'em All!"


Some other great news is that I am working on a short film with Out Of Time Productions (the same group that is doing the murder mystery [YouTube channel: ] It is called "Strange New World". It is all about a support group for people who are having a hard time in the 21st century. My character (Catherine) is a shopaholic who is in $40,000 worth of debt. Filming will be on Monday and I am really excited! The only thing is this short film will not be put on YouTube because it is going to be submitted in film festivals. Wish us luck!

Thats all for now.

<3 Nikki