Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just a rant to let out some feelings...you dont have to read

So I figured...I am in an odd mood right now so I guess I should write about it and try to get it out there. I apologize if this makes no seance this is just me rambling on.

Ok so first of all. I feel like I am in a depression at times. All I do is sit at home and do nothing. This all started with ___ stopping talking to me. I find myself telling myself that she will get over it and come back. My other friend even tells me the same thing but I cant help but feel this way, and it sucks.

Then there is the fact that I like him...I like him a lot but he lives so far away and it just sucks.

I just want to live a normal life...I want to be happy...the only times I truly feel happy is online and with work people but once that is over all I want to do it sleep or draw myself into a fictional world of Doctor Who.

Part of me does not even want to make my video today because I am in such a shitty mood but I must cuz it might be the only fun thing that comes out of today.

So yeah life sucks big deal...I feel like a little emo teen right now. I'm more mature than this.


My brain is telling me not to post this because I don't want sympathy but I know I will.

Guess I'm going to go sit here and do nothing again.

O well...this was fun.

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