Saturday, November 29, 2008

Can't Belive I am actually posting this...o well


1) Enjoy dreaming so much that if I could I would spend a whole day sleeping (I think that’s because I like my dream world better then my real one).

2) Wish that I had the drive again to loose a ton of weight like I did for South Pacific.

3) Would do anything to meet up with the Stickfam.

4) Hate that I don’t have time to do the plays (especially the musical) at school because I have so many jobs.

5) Get sucked into movies and books and feel like I am the characters. Then I get disappointed when it is over because that means I have to come back to reality.

6) Am terrible at keeping in contact with people even when I miss them terribly.

7) Have low self confidence but I try not to show it.

8) Dream to get onto Broadway some day (though I doubt I will).

9) Am shy around people I don’t know and people I like.

10) Find myself always trying to please those around me instead of myself.

11) Get jealous of the people around me…often.

12a) Sometimes just want to start a new but I don’t know how to start.

12b) Don’t know why this turned into a depressing rant.

13) Miss the summer of 2008.

14) Feel truly happy when I am acting and I miss that.

15) Have become somewhat of a shopaholic.

16) Don’t truly HATE anyone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I figured I have had this thing too long and I need to start writing in it so here it goes...

Today was a really great day I got to school early this morning so I did my homework for my classes that I had not done yet. Then when I got to sight singing my teacher gave us an assignment for next week and then ended class so I had an hour to do what ever. I ended up being my nerdy self and just going to my car to read. Until theory.

After theory 3 of my friends and I ended up going to the mall for lunch and to pick up a new lip ring for my friend who had lost hers sometime during the day.

The 4 of us proceeded to masterclass and joked around even more :-P.

When I got home my phone rang. It was borders calling telling me that I got the job! WOO HOO!

Then I saw a box sitting on the hat!! "Gotta Catch 'em All!"


Some other great news is that I am working on a short film with Out Of Time Productions (the same group that is doing the murder mystery [YouTube channel: ] It is called "Strange New World". It is all about a support group for people who are having a hard time in the 21st century. My character (Catherine) is a shopaholic who is in $40,000 worth of debt. Filming will be on Monday and I am really excited! The only thing is this short film will not be put on YouTube because it is going to be submitted in film festivals. Wish us luck!

Thats all for now.

<3 Nikki